About Me

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As I speak internationally to English speakers as well as through an interpreter, some of my greatest joys have been speaking to groups where participation from the audience is possible. Not only do I value the input of those in my conferences, but if they are actively involved (share testimonies, participate in prayer, read Scripture aloud), it is obvious that everyone is with me. I am interested in theological study, Christian writing, historical application of Biblical principles as well as writing as a craft and the current status of the publishing industry as a whole. As a result, I find myself following blogs of those whom I have learned to trust who contribute information in those fields. It occurred to me that blogs are the internet equivalent of audience participation in a conference setting. So, this blog is a result of that discovery. As much as possible (sometimes when I travel I do not have internet access), I will be making weekly posts of how everyday life is related to what God has revealed about Himself in His Word - maintaining one focus on that most important relationship. I would welcome your participation.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Rising Light and Clearing Fog

I am a fair weather driver. In fact, I am not a very good driver, so I am not confident driving in any condition except a perfect day. I would rather walk and do walk when it is possible to do so. It is necessary, however, to drive in America and so I must take on the challenge.

I am especially uncomfortable driving in the dark. My night vision is not good and the lights of oncoming vehicles are quite a distraction. I have a special pair of glasses just for night driving.

Recently, I needed to take my husband to the airport fairly early in the morning. Not only was it dark, but there was a fairly dense fog. He drove to the airport, but I had to make the hour's drive home. Our airport is in a very large city, so the traffic and construction on the highway was also a factor.

You can imagine my delight when, after dropping my husband off at the airport, I experienced an amazing change. Daylight had come and even though the fog was still evident, it was as if it was lifted in my sphere of vision. The way was clear for me all the way home even though the fog was all around me. I remember thinking, "God, thank you for the light and for lifting the fog!"

There is a real correlation between what I experienced in this driving experience and how spiritual things we don't understand now will become clear someday to those who know the Lord. As Jesus is the Light of the World, He is the light leads us to reconciliation with God. He experienced darkness on the cross so that we might know light in our lives.

Even as a strong believer in Christ, I know that there are some things today that are beyond my understanding. I can't see things from God's perspective. His promise is that someday the fog will clear and everything will be made clear. I am looking forward to that day.

For now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely (1 Corinthians 13:12 NLT).

Picture from Jordan Mills, en.wikinews

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