Driving on any road demands full attention, but especially in heavy traffic on major highways. Seldom do you find yourself on a highway by yourself. There are times when you are completely surrounded. You must be aware of the speed and position of cars around you. If any one of them makes a sudden unexpected move, you must be prepared. There is literally danger on every side.
Vigilance is the key. Everyone knows accidents are most likely when you are sleepy or otherwise impaired because your concentration level is not at its optimum.
The question we need to pose to ourselves in heavy traffic is what can I do to get out of a dangerous situation if it presents itself? Driving is no time to relax and become preoccupied with other things such as cell phones. I once ran off the road simply because I was placing a blanket on my child in the seat next to me (that was before children's car seats were required to be placed in the back). Thankfully, I did not have an accident, but taking my mind off my driving posed a danger to myself and my children.
Staying in the lane provided for you is a must. I am often tempted to keep my eyes fixed on the car in front of me but have often been surprised by the movement of a car on either side or behind. Using the rear view mirror and the side mirrors should become a habit.
Our spiritual life is a lot like highway driving. As soon as we allow ourselves to become distracted from the path God has set us on, danger lurks all around us. Satan is actually watching for those times when we have relaxed our guard. He knows that if we veer off our path, his job is much easier. God, however, has given us all we need to stay where we need to be.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).
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