About Me

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As I speak internationally to English speakers as well as through an interpreter, some of my greatest joys have been speaking to groups where participation from the audience is possible. Not only do I value the input of those in my conferences, but if they are actively involved (share testimonies, participate in prayer, read Scripture aloud), it is obvious that everyone is with me. I am interested in theological study, Christian writing, historical application of Biblical principles as well as writing as a craft and the current status of the publishing industry as a whole. As a result, I find myself following blogs of those whom I have learned to trust who contribute information in those fields. It occurred to me that blogs are the internet equivalent of audience participation in a conference setting. So, this blog is a result of that discovery. As much as possible (sometimes when I travel I do not have internet access), I will be making weekly posts of how everyday life is related to what God has revealed about Himself in His Word - maintaining one focus on that most important relationship. I would welcome your participation.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


As soon as my husband and I had a house with a yard, we purchased our first lawn mower. It cost $60 from TG&Y and lasted for about twelve to fifteen years. There was nothing fancy about it. The only thing I ever remember us having to do to that mower was sharpen the blade.

photo from Atkinson Heritage Center archives, Rose State College

When we got rid of it, the mower was still working. By that time, I had finally convinced my husband that I enjoyed doing yard work. He decided to buy me a new self-propelled mower to make that job easier. Since then we have run through six or seven of those shiny, fancy mowers with all the bells and whistles. Every few years, we have to buy another one.

All I really need or want is a mower that works. I have found myself truly missing that first ugly, functional mower. Although it was an inanimate object, I felt like it obeyed my commands. Unlike those other mowers that I could never sweet talk to finish the job, that simple mower did what it was designed to do. It would cut through anything. All I had to do was push.

Just like my mowers, appearances can be deceiving in people. Some of the most unassuming men and women I have known are the hardest workers. They simply get the job done. Others appear to be in charge and successful on the outside, but they are not very productive at all - it is mostly for show.

God knows the difference. He knows those who really trust Him will obey Him and do what He asks.

God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart...."What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?" Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent" (1 Samuel 16:7,  John 6:28-29 NAS).

Friday, March 22, 2013

Physical and Spiritual Hearing Loss

Flying is in my family's blood. My husband's father was a pilot. My husband is a pilot. My sons are pilots. The joys of that profession or sport has a price, though, and that is hearing loss.

Ear protection was non existent during my father-in-law's day. He flew and instructed students by shouting over the airplane engine. My husband did the same. Later, small foam earplugs cushioned some of the noise, but could not and cannot prevent all damage. Headsets do a much better job of protection now, but constant exposure to airplanes ultimately damages one's hearing.

Consequently, my husband has suffered considerable hearing loss. It happened over many years and actually snuck up on him. As his personality leans toward enjoying quiet anyway (to him, silence is truly golden), it took him a long time to notice he could not hear certain things. It was slow and gradual, but now it is undeniable. And even though he still enjoys silence, not being able to hear in many situations is a disadvantage.

Hearing loss is not the only thing that can creep up on us. We tend to ignore those little warning signals God sends us about areas of our lives that are not pleasing to Him. Each time we do, it becomes easier the next time and before we realize it, we have allowed a temptation to sin to grow into sin itself.

Jesus, when confronted with temptation, had a ready response for the devil - the word of God. He did not ponder on the temptation. His response was immediate.

It is the responsibility of my husband and sons to use ear protection when they fly, but they do it because they know its value and have developed that habit.

God promises protection, but we have to avail ourselves of it.  It takes constant vigilance to realize we are in danger of losing our spiritual hearing - developing ears that cannot hear God's nudging.

But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear (Matthew 13:16). No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13). Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You (Psalm 119:11 NAS).

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Three Seemingly Unrelated Stories

Within a twenty-four hour period, three stories caught my attention. All of them were true, but none of them were related - or so it seemed.

The people in these stories were not connected in any way - different times, nationalities and circumstances made the likelihood of them meeting each other next to nil.

The first story was included in a book about a German Air Force pilot who, during WWII, helped the crew of a crippled American B-17 fly through German territory. That remarkable event was the reason for the book. Later when he was injured and assigned to spend the rest of the war in comfort at a resort facility - with good food, a soft bed and relative safety - he attempted to hide his injury and instead reentered the war effort. This was not the first time I became aware of men in wartime refusing to leave their comrades.

The second story was of a young American entrepreneur who became enormously successful, took advantage of his newfound fortune by purchasing everything his heart could desire, and then discovered he had trapped himself into a life of maintenance of the things he had acquired. With that realization, he downsized completely declaring that he was happier with less - much less. The one thing he would not change about that period in his life was spending time abroad with a girlfriend who had shown him how to live very simply and happily.

The third story was of a poor woman from a third world country. She lived in a hut with no floor or ceiling. Her daughter, who lived in America, enlisted the aid of a compassionate American Christian who became her mother's sponsor and brought her to the U.S. There, she lived in relative comfort without having to work or struggle to provide for herself or others. She couldn't take it. She was miserable, crying to be with the friends she had left behind. She returned home to poverty and the life she knew so well.

These are just three examples of a little known truth. Contentment does not come from comfort or things, but from relationships. That is how God made us. We are meant to be with and care about others. Choosing relationship over things may involve abandoning personal comfort or a rich lifestyle, but the rewards of that choice far outweigh anything that was given up.

Jesus, the Son of God, set the example for this way of living when He became the Son of Man. He gave up, for a time, all the riches of heaven so that He might provide salvation for those who would believe in Him.

Paul, one of His apostles, did the same thing. When he met Jesus, he left behind a life of privilege, but he never looked back. His relationship to his Lord and his concern for his brothers and sisters was the source of his contentment.

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Nevertheless, you have done well to share with me in my affliction (Philippians 4:11-14 NAS).

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Observing God in the Everyday Affairs of Life

This is post #100 on this blog. I have never had to look far to realize the benefit of having one focus - being focused on God.

Seeing God's hand in the everyday affairs of my life is easy. He has always been there for me and He always will be. He cares about the small events of my life as well as the large ones because He is my loving Heavenly Father. If something concerns me, it concerns Him.

Even when I don't understand what is going on, I know He does. Whether circumstances are pleasant, comfortable, difficult, confusing or painful, I know that He has a purpose for it all.

In these posts, I have observed His hand and have heard His voice
  • as I read the Bible 
  • as I read other literature - fiction and non-fiction
  • as I cooked
  • as I walked, hiked or ran
  • as I gardened 
  • as I traveled
  • as I reflected on my family.
The following is from my very first post in May 2011:

"It is so easy for life to get in the way of Life.  So many things can occupy our time and thinking that we are tempted to have no focus at all. We just flit from circumstance to circumstance, or thought to thought or day to day, never really being grounded in the reality of the Truth.

One Focus - the only way I can handle all the changes going on in this world is to keep my feet firmly planted on the one foundation that I know is unshakeable and never changes.  The love of God is expressed through the person of Jesus Christ, His Son. That Truth is my reality and I hope and pray that it is yours.

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3 NKJV)."

One focus makes all the difference.