We don't stay in tourist areas, but live where the locals live. Sometimes there is a lot of difference between the two. I prefer living among the people. I get a much better perspective.
Although my primary frame of reference is American, I am very happy to say that my frame has grown and keeps growing. Adaptation to other cultures has given me a better and broader world view.
Since we do live among the people for extended periods, there are many things I need to discover about each new location. Will I be close to public transportation? Are schedules reliable? Do many people speak English? Can I safely walk in the neighborhoods? Are dogs behind fences or are they allowed to roam the streets? What are the expectations concerning pedestrians and driving?
When staying somewhere for more than a few days, it becomes necessary to set up housekeeping (of a sort). Sometimes I know in advance what the accommodations are like. Many times I don't. Where we stay has a bearing on how much I can do for myself. Will we be in a room or an apartment? Will I have an oven, a stovetop, a refrigerator or internet connection? Will I have access to a washing machine or will I be doing laundry by hand?
Packing for such a trip is always a challenge. Is it going to be cold or hot (we've had many surprises in that area!)? Do I need to pack hangers, a coffee pot or an electric kettle? Several things I never regret packing are:
- ziplock bags (few countries other than the U.S. have these)
- headache medicine, sleep aids, stomach medicine, etc. (sometimes these are very hard to obtain)
- a pillowcase (I often use this for laundry although it has come in handy when the pillows do not have pillowcases. I have even used a pillowcase for a hand towel.)
- cloth shopping bags (even though the U.S. is starting to encourage people to use these, other countries charge for their own bags!)
- soap
- a small flashlight (sometimes used as a reading light when there is no lamp)
Being exposed to different cultures leads to an identification with the local people. There are times I have an "aha" moment thinking, "that's why they do what they do!" Discoveries first hand make a bigger impression than reading about the culture or hearing someone else describe their experiences.
The most surprising thing to me has been reverse culture shock upon returning to America. Things I have gotten used to overseas - great public transportation, the abundance of woods with hiking trails and cheese I can afford! - I often miss when I go home. Most of all, though, I miss my new friends.
I am often eager to return to places I have been to see my friends, but I also miss my family, home and friends in the U.S. when I am overseas. I often wish I could be in more than one place at a time.
Jesus chose to leave heaven and adapt to the limitations on earth for our sakes. He identified with us. I don't have to wonder if He misses His friends because He, unlike us, can be in both places at once. His Spirit is still with us.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us... (John 1:14a).